Tuesday, July 7, 2009

KDE 4 on Ubuntu

There has been some controversy in the Gnome world recently and it reminded me of KDE. There had been a similar discussion of Qt's lack of freedom years ago.
This prompted me to think about the runtimes I was using (GTK, Java, Mono, Qt, Python etc.) . I was not really convinced by Mono or Red Hat's stance against Mono. So I thought I could give KDE a try even though Ubuntu has chosen Gnome.
So I did apt-get install kubuntu-desktop on my EEE 701 and in Virtual Box.
The result was very pretty, quite slick. I even noticed an improvement in screen refresh speed when switching desktops in Virtual Box (notably Gnome-terminal always seemed a bit slow to repaint and Konsole feels a bit snappier).
I like the way the settings are handled, there is a search bar to find settings, advanced settings are in a separate tab, the management of keyboard shortcuts is a breeze and accessible from every application. I am not sure if it's better than Gnome, just more obvious to me.
Kmail seems like I could use it for work whereas I felt like Thunderbird had slow repaint issues in Virtual Box too.
The only issue I have is that a few applications seem to crash on exit. It's not a big deal but I find that a bit annoying. I guess I am going to need to follow up on these issues as I like KDE and I want to keep using it.


  1. Hello !
    I think you should try another distro to really have a good KDE 4 experience : mandriva, opensuse, pardus...

  2. Yeah, Pardus is probably the best showcase for KDE4 right now. Its snappier than most other distributions in terms of boot-up speed.

    Typing this from Pardus+KDE 4.2.4, btw.

  3. I would think the full blown Kubuntu would be a fairer example instead of Ubuntu/KDE trial. I too had application issues with GDM instad of running KDM.


  4. I agree, Kubuntu is never a god way to see KDE...
